Центр современной музыки Софии Губайдулиной

Анонсы мероприятий



Application form

for participation in the International Competition

of Young Composers named after Sofia Gubaidulina

Kazan, June 2020 - March 2021.

1.Surname, first name, middle name, password

2. Date, month and year of birth

3. Place of Birth

4. Citizenship

5. Passport ID

6. Education (which educational institution he graduated from and when)

7. Surname, name of teacher

8. Place of work or study

9. Contests, awards

10. Address of residence, phone, fax, E-mail

I have read and agree to the terms of the competition.

Date                                                             signature

The application of the participant and the competitive essay must be sent not later, than November 20, 2020 on the e-mail address: sofiacentre@yandex.ru indicating "To the competition named after S. Gubaidulina."
